








Member of the EU Academy of Sciences,国际船舶与海洋结构大会ISSC水下手艺委员会主席,国际水下手艺学会(SUT)中国分会主席,中国力学学会产学研事情委员会主任委员。国家重点研发妄想“基于深水功效舱的全智能新一代水下系统要害手艺研究”项目认真人。牵头组建“中巴深海手艺团结研究院”和“CNOOC-CUP海洋能源工程手艺团结研究院”,在中国高校打造了一支新的海洋工程研发步队。


19662月生,19877月结业于江汉石油学院石油钻井工程专业,19903月和19937月在石油大学研究生院获石油矿场机械工程硕士学位和石油自然气机械工程博士学位,19938-19958月在中国科学院力学研究所从事固体力学博士后研究事情,19959-20066月在中国船级社(原国家船舶磨练局)事情达11年之久,其中19973-19984月应邀在美国University of Rochester举行高级会见和博士后研究,2002-2006年担当中国船级社工业总公司总工程师、党委委员。20066月至今在公海彩船(北京)从事海洋工程的研究和教学事情,已结业博士生31人、硕士生150多人、出站博士后11人,结业学生所有入职央企、国企、政府、高校、国际著名跨国公司或出国留学,其中大都学生留在北京。


兼任 “湖北省楚天学者妄想”特聘教授(长江大学),复旦大学和大连理工大学的博士生导师,巴西深海石油研究基地Federal University of Rio de Janeiro客座教授,并担当外洋期刊Development and Application of Oceanic Engineering”主编和“Frontier in Fossil Fuel Engineering”首创主编、“Maritime Systems and Ocean Technology”副主编、“Ships and Offshore Structures”、“Ocean Systems Engineering”、“Thermal Energy and Power Engineering”、“Advances in Energy”、 “Journal of Shipping and Ocean EngineeringJournal of Civil Engineering and Architecture”、“Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering”和“International Journal of Energy Engineering”编委、以及海内“China Ocean Engineering”、“Petroleum Exploration and Development ”和“Petroleum Science”等 18家学术期刊的编委。是Annual International SUT Technical Conference(已乐成举行6届)和China-Brasil Deepwater Forum的提倡人及组织者?中国大百科全书石油与自然气工程卷?“海洋油气工程分卷”主编、Springer 百科全书系列?the Encyclopedia of Ocean Engineering?Subsea Engineering”和“Subsea Pipelines and Risers分卷主编。


1999年被中华人民共和国交通部聘用为效果优异的高级工程师(正高级职称),是我国作育的首位海洋石油工程领域的博士,现在从事海洋石油工程、深水水下工程、结构和质料的疲劳断裂与损伤理论、随机振动及工程减振、海冰工程力学、危害与可靠性等领域的研究事情。先后肩负完成160个海洋石油工程的研究项目,包括国家重点研发妄想项目、国家自然科学基金、973项目子课题、863重点项目、国家科技重大专项、发改委和工信部及海洋局海洋装备重大项目等40多个国家项目,揭晓学术论文400多篇,其中SCI检索86篇、EI检索200篇,获专利100多项(其中发明专利57项),有11个项目划分获国家科技前进二等奖、教育部自然科学二等奖、教育部和山东省科技前进二等奖、中国机械工业科技前进二等奖等。自1995年以来曾多次应邀出国讲学(美国、加拿大、巴西、日本、韩国)、主持国际学术聚会20多次,曾获2012 Fellowship Award of Society for Underwater Technology”、“天下交通青年科技英才”、“中央国家机关优异(优异)青年”、“天下交通系统青年岗位能手”等声誉称呼。











[1] Feng Guan, Menglan Duan, Weiguo Ma, Zhihong Zhou, Xianzhong Yi, An experimental study of mechanical behavior of coiled tubing in pipelines, Applied Ocean Research, 44 (2014) 13-19

[2] Xianwei Hu, Canfeng Zhou, Menglan Duan and Chen An, Reliability analysis of marine risers with narrow and long corrosion defects under combined loads, Petroleum Science, March 2014, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp 139-146

[3] Xiaguang Zeng, Menglan Duan and Xiaoyu Che, Critical upheaval buckling forces of imperfect pipelines, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 45, March 2014, Pages 33-39

[4] Chen An, Menglan Duan, Romildo D. Toledo Filho, Segen F. Estefen, Collapse of sandwich pipes with PVA fiber reinforced cementitious composites core under external pressure, Ocean Engineering, 01/2014, 82: 1-13

[5] Xiaguang Zeng, Menglan Duan, Mode localization in lateral buckling of partially embedded submarine pipelines, International Journal of Solids and structures (Impact Factor: 1.87), 2014, 51(10):1991-1999

[6] Yingying Wang, Menglan Duan, Junkai Feng, Modeling for the Optimization of Layout Scenarios of Cluster Manifolds with Pipeline End Manifolds, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 46, 2014, 94-103

[7] Jun Zhao, Menglan Duan and Aixia Zhang, Bearing Capacity of Square Spudcan of Jack-up Rig based on a Three-Dimensional Failure Mode, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2014, 9(2): 149-160

[8] Lei Guo, Menglan Duan, Yi Wang, Fangfang Yu, Experimental investigation on dynamic model testing of a deep-water Riser Support by truncated hybrid method, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2014, 9(3): 344-353

[9] Guangming Fu, Marcelo I. Lourenco, Menglan Duan, Segen F. Estefen, Effect of boundary conditions on residual stress and distortion in T-joint welds, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 102, November 2014, Pages 121-135

[10] Tong He, Menglan Duan and Chen An, Prediction of the collapse pressure for thick-walled pipes under external pressure, Applied Ocean Research, volume 47, 2014, pp. 199 203

[11] Xiao-lan Luo, Yu-hong Gu, Chang-ling Liu, Rui Qin, Hong-lin Zhao and Meng-lan Duan, Strength design method for tubing hanger of subsea christmas tree against big temperature difference, China Ocean Engineering, October 2014, Volume 28, No.5, pp 659-670

[12] Mao Ye, Menglan Duan, Mingjie Li, Jinghao Chen, Kai Tian, Feng Han & Zhihui Hu (2014): An active truncation method for simulating deep-water riser installation, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2014, 9(6): 619-632

[13] Jinlong Wang, Menglan Duan, Tong He and Cao Jing, Numerical solutions for nonlinear large deformation behavior of deepwater steel lazy-wave riser, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2014, 9(6): 655-668

[14] Yingying Wang, Deguo Wang, Menglan Duan, Minghua Xu, Jing Cao and Segen F Estefen, A mathematical solution of optimal partition of production loops for subsea wells in the layout of daisy chains, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2014, Vol 228, pp: 211-219

[15] Mao Ye, Mingjie Li, Menglan Duan, Pan Gao, Xiaoming Fang, Xiuli Liu, Rongxi Li & Zhichao Chen (2014): Design and verification of the ship attitudes measuring and monitoring and analysis system, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2014, 10(2): 1-15

[16] Dong-Feng Mao, Ming-Hui Zhang, Yang Yu, Meng-Lan Duan, Jun Zhao, Analysis of spudcan footprint interaction in a single soil with nonlinear FEM, Petroleum Science, 01/201512):148-156

[17] Dongfeng Mao, Minghui Zhang, Laibin Zhang, Menglan Duan and Linsong Song, Sliding risk of jack-up platform re-installation close to existing footprint and its countermeasure, Petroleum Exploration and Development 04/2015; 42(2). DOI:10.1016/S1876-3804(15)30014-8

[18] Guangming Fu, Jijun Gu, Marcelo Igor Lourenco de Souza, Menglan Duan, Segen F. Estefen, Parameter determination of double ellipsoidal heat source model and its application in the multi-pass welding process, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2014, 10(2): 204-217

[19] Jinlong Wang and Menglan Duan, A nonlinear model for deepwater steel lazy-wave riser configuration with ocean current and internal flow, Ocean Engineering, 94(2015), 155-162

[20] Yu Zhang, Peizhen Wu, Menglan Duan. A Mesh-Independent Technique to Evaluate Stress Singularities in Adhesive Joints. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Volume 57, (2015), pp.105-117

[21] Jinlong Wang, Menglan Duan and Jianmei Luo, Mathematical model of steel lazy-wave riser abandonment and recovery in deepwater, Marine Structures, 04/2015, volume 41, issue 4, year 2015, pp. 127-153

[22] Jinlong Wang, Menglan Duan, Yi Wang, Xinzhong Li and Jianmei Luo, A non-linear mechanical model for deepwater steel lazy-wave riser transfer process during installation, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 50, March 2015, Pages 217-226

[23]Tong He, Menglan Duan and Chen An, On the external pressure capacity of deepwater sandwich pipes with inter-layer adhesion conditions, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 52, August 2015, Pages 115-124

[24] Mingjie Li, Menglan Duan, Mao Ye, Jinghao Chen and Xiaguang Zeng. Research on Mechanical Model for the J-lay Method. Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2015, Vol. 229(3) 273-280

[25] Mei-qiu Li, Meng-lan Duan, Yi Huang, Investigation on cutting stability of jacket in decommissioning process, China Ocean Engineering, October 2015, Volume 29, Issue 5, pp 649-661

[26] Xinhu Zhang and Menglan Duan, Prediction of the upheaval buckling critical force for imperfect submarine pipelines, Ocean Engineering, Volume 109, 15 November 2015, Pages 330-343

[27] Yu Zhang, Menglan Duan, Yi Wang, Gui Chu, Analytical Study of the Strength of Adhesive Joints of Riser Pipes, Ships and Offshore Structures, 09/2015, 10(5), pages 545-553

[28] Xinglan Bai, Weiping Huang, Murilo Augusto Vaz, Chaofan Yang, Menglan Duan, Riser-soil interaction model effects on the dynamic behavior of a steel catenary riser, Marine Structures, 04/2015; 41: 53-76

[29] Honglin Zhao, Rui Chen, Xiaolan Luo, Menglan Duan, Yinghui Lu, Guowei Fu, Hongping Tian, Daohui Ye, Metal sealing performance of subsea X-tree wellhead connector sealer, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 05/2015; 28(3): 649-656

[30] Yingying Wang, Jijun Gu, Menglan Duan, Minghua Xu and Segen Estefen, A New Partition Model for the Optimization of Subsea Cluster Manifolds Based on the New Definition of Layout Cost, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, February 2016, 230(1): 3-12

[31]Fei Peng, Menglan Duan, Jinlong Wang, Yanshun Zhu, Xiaodong Wang, Optimisation method for mathematical model of deepwater collet connector locking mechanism, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2016, 11(6): 575-590

[32] Pan Gao, Menglan Duan, Qiang Gao, Xu Jia and Jun Huang, A Prediction Method for Anchor Penetration Depth in Clays, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2016, 11(7): 782-789

[33] Jijun Gu, Tianqi Ma and Menglan Duan, Effect of aspect ratio on the dynamic response of a fluid-conveying pipe using the Timoshenko beam model, Ocean Engineering, 2016, 114(2016), 185-191

[34] Jun Zhao, Beom-Seon Jang, Menglan Duan and Linsong Song, Simplified numerical prediction of the penetration resistance profile of spudcan foundation on sediments with interbeded medium loose layer, Applied Ocean Research 02/2016, 55:89-101

[35] FU, G.; LOUREN?O, MARCELO IGOR; DUAN, MENGLAN; ESTEFEN, SEGEN F., Influence of the welding sequence on residual stress and distortion of fillet welded structures, Marine Structures, 2016, 46: 30-55

[36] Shixian Xu, Yu Zhang, Menglan Duan & Bing Dai, Research on the shear stress of single-lap joints using a variational method, Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, Vol.15, Issue 1, (2016) pp.9-18

[37] Chen J, Duan M, Zhang Y. Decision-making of spare subsea trees with multi-restrictive factors in deepwater development. Maintenance and Reliability 2016; 18 (4): 590-598

[38] Yi Wang, Menglan Duan and Yu Zhang, Experimental and numerical investigation of vertical pipe-soil interaction considering pipe velocity, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017, 12(1): 77-85

[39] Zhenhua Song, Menglan Duan and Jijun Gu, Hydrodynamics and vortex shedding characteristics of two tandem cylinders of different diameters in steady flow, Ships and Offshore Structures,

2017, 12(1): 86-99

[40] Xinhu Zhang, Menglan Duan, Yang Yu, Dongfeng Mao, Jianxing Yu & Yi Wang, A Mathematical Model of Virtual Simulation for Deepwater Installation of Subsea Production Facilities, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017, 12(2): 182-195

[41] Jijun Gu, Bing Dai, Yi Wang and Menglan Duan, Dynamic analysis of a fluid-conveying pipe under axial tension and thermal loads, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017, 12(2): 262-275

[42] Tianfeng Zhao and Menglan Duan, Upheaval Buckling of In-Service Cased Insulated Flowline, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017, 12(5): 706-714

[43] Jun Zhao, Beom-Seon Jang and Menglan Duan, On Spudcan Deep Penetration using Eulerian Finite Element in Multi-Layer Sediments: Soil Plug Mechanism, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017, 12(5): 715-721

[44] Kang Zhang, Menglan Duan, Xiaolan Luo and Guangxin Hou, A fuzzy risk matrix method and its application to the installation operation of subsea collet connector, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 45, January 2017, Pages 147-159

[45] Zhang Kang, Hui Huang, Duan Menglan, et al. Theoretical Investigation on Compression Limits of Sealing Structures in Complex Load Transferring between Subsea Connector Components [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2017,44:202-213

[46] Xingkun Zhou, Dongshi Wang, Menglan Duan, Jijun Gu and Yang Liu, Numerical study on mode curvature for damage detection of a drilling riser using transfer matrix technique, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 63, February 2017, Pages 65-75

[47] Jing Xu, Dongshi Wang, Hui Huang and Menglan Duan, A VIV Model for Fatigue Analysis of a Marine Drilling riser, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017, 12(1): S280-S287

[48] Yang Yu, Menglan Duan, Chenggong Sun, Zicheng Zhong, and Houfa Liu, A virtual reality simulation for coordination and interaction based on dynamics calculation, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017, 12(6): 873-884

[49] Wang Y, Zhao Y, Chen H, Duan M, Zhang X, Estefen S, Perturbation analysis for upheaval buckling of imperfect buried pipelines based on nonlinear pipe-soil interaction, Ocean Engineering, vol. 132 (2017), 92100

[50] Jinlong Wang, Menglan Duan and Renyang He, A nonlinear dynamic model for 2D deepwater steel lazy-wave riser subjected to top end imposed excitations, Ships and Offshore Structures, 2018, 13(3): 330-342

[51] Qiang Gao, Menglan Duan, xiaoxia Liu, Yi Wang and Xu Jia, Damage assessment for submarine photoelectric composite cable under anchor impact, Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 73, February 2018, 42-58
