





邮箱:chenxuyue2011@163.com; chenxuyue@cup.edu.cn 


1) 主要简介

陈绪跃,男,19869月生,湖北阳新人,博士,硕士生导师。主要从事油气井岩石力学、流体力学与钻井提速新要领方面的科学研究,研究偏向主要为海洋大位移井钻井提速新要领,深水靶向大位移井延伸极限,深水钻井井壁稳固,复合钻进钻井参数优化。别的自己的研究兴趣还包括新型破岩工具及钻井提速工具的研发、地层压力展望等方面。加入或主持美国能源部项目、国家科技重大专项、国家自然基金委立异研究群体基金及石油企业资助项目多项。以第一作者身份揭晓学术文章13篇,其中SCI检索6篇(石油工程领域国际TOP期刊SPE Journal论文2篇),EI检索3篇,以第二发明人身份(导师第一)授权国家发明专利5件,以第一发明人身份授权适用新型专利9件,申请专利10余件。现担当《Physics of Fluids》、《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》等国际学术期刊审稿专家。

2) 教育和事情履历



20158-201610月,美国The University of Texas at Austin,石油工程,国家公派团结作育博士


3) 主持和主要加入项目

[1] 页岩气水平井射流磨钻头与钻井提速新手艺(2017ZX05009-003,国家科技重大专项子课题,20181-202012月,主持

[2] 高温高压水平井要害手艺研究,中海油湛江有限公司,201710-20206月,主持

[3] 高温高压裸眼测试井液流态与清井流动参数研究,中海油湛江有限公司,20181-202012月,主持

[4] 水平井射流磨钻头优化设计与提速机理研究,公海彩船(北京)启动基金,201710-202012月,主持

[5] 页岩和致密油气田高效开发建井基础研究(U1762214),国家自然科学基金石油与化工团结基金重点项目,201710-202012月,手艺认真

[6] 页岩气水平井提高钻速手艺研究,中国石化江汉油田分公司,201612-20186月,手艺认真

[7] Wider Windows Industrial Affiliate Program “Wellbore stability analysis for inclined wellbores in deep water drilling”, 美国能源部课题,20158-201610月,课题主干

[8] 重大油气井钻井与完井基础研究,国家自然科学基金立异研究群体项目(51521063),2013-2017年,课题主干

[9] 钻井工艺及井筒事情液要害手艺研究(2016YFC0303303),国家重点研发妄想课题,2016-2017年,课题主干

[10] 致密砂岩气高效钻井与压裂刷新要害手艺(2013AA064800),国家863妄想,2013-2016年,课题主干

[11] 高温高压含硫钻完井要害手艺研究,中国海洋石油国际有限公司,20147-201411月,课题主干

[12] 惠州25-7区块和陆丰13-1区块三低油气藏钻井提速手艺,中海油深圳有限公司,20139-20146月,课题主干

[13] 伊拉克米桑油田盐膏层定向钻井手艺研究,中海油伊拉克公司,20126-20156月,课题主干

[14] 伊拉克米桑油田小井眼钻井要害手艺研究,中海油伊拉克公司,20126-20156月,课题主干

[15] 胜利油田渤南洼陷沙三、沙四段地层压力研究,中石化胜利油田地质院,201211-2013年月6,课题主干

[16] 博兴洼陷三维压力场建设及成藏控制作用研究,中石化胜利油田物探院,20126-201212月,课题主干

4) 代表性论著

[1] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao. The Maximum Allowable Well Depth While Drilling of Ultra-Extended-Reach Drilling from Shallow Water to Deepwater Target. SPE Journal. 2017, August. SPE 183025-PA, 1-13. (SCI, IF:2.208, Q1, TOP期刊).

[2] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo. A Method for Optimizing Jet-Mill-Bit Hydraulics in Horizontal Drilling. SPE Journal. 2016, April. SPE 178436-PA, 416-422. (SCI, IF:2.208, Q1, TOP期刊).

[3] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo, and Yongcun Feng. Real-time optimization of drilling parameters based on mechanical specific energy for rotating drilling with positive displacement motor in the hard formation, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, Sep. 35, 686-694. (SCI, IF:2.718, Q2).

[4] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo. Optimal design of jet mill bit for jet comminuting cuttings in horizontal gas drilling hard formations, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2016, Sep. 28, 587-593. (SCI, IF:2.718, Q2).

[5] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo, ea tl. A new method for determining the minimum gas injection rate required for hole cleaning in horizontal gas drilling, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014, Nov. 21, 1084-1090. (SCI, IF:2.718, Q2).

[6] Xuyue Chen, Honghai Fan, Boyun Guo, Deli Gao, ea tl. Real-Time Prediction and Optimization of Drilling Performance Based on A New Mechanical Specific Energy Model, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2014, Nov. Volume 39, Issue 11, 2014, Page 8221-8231. (SCI, IF:0.865, Q3).

[7] Xin Li, Deli Gao, Xuyue Chen. A Comprehensive Prediction Model of Hydraulic Extended-Reach Limit Considering the Allowable Range of Drilling Fluid Flow Rate in Horizontal Drilling, Scientific Reports. 7(1), 3083. (SCI, IF:4.259, Q1).

[8] Xing Qin, Deli Gao, Xuyue Chen. Effects of initial curvature on coiled tubing buckling behavior and axial load transfer in a horizontal well. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 150 (2017) 191-202. (SCI, IF:1.873, Q1, TOP期刊).

[9] PENG Qi, FAN Honghai, ZHOU Haobo, LI Chaowei, CHEN Xuyue, WANG Echuan, YE Zhi. General method of calculating annular laminar pressure drop of drilling fluids with different rheological models. PETROL. EXPLOR. DEVELOP., 2013, 40(6): 806-810. (SCI, IF:1.903, Q1, TOP期刊).

[10] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Mega-Extended-Reach Drilling to Deepwater Target: What is the Well’s Maximum Allowable Measured Depth While Drilling? Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference. 7-10 Nov 2016. Abu Dhabi, UAE. SPE-183025-MS. EI检索.

[11] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Jet Mill Bit for Improving Cuttings Carrying Capacity in Horizontal Gas Drilling, Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference. 7-10 Nov 2016. Abu Dhabi, UAE. SPE-183032-MS. EI检索.

[12] Xuyue Chen, Jin Yang, Deli Gao. Well Control for Offshore High-Pressure/High-Temperature Horizontal Gas Wells Drilling: How to Determine the Kick Tolerance and Select a Proper Well Killing Method? IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference to be held 27-29 August 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. SPE-190969-MS (Preprint). EI检索.

[13] Xin Li, Deli Gao, Rui Ren, Yongsheng Liu, Xuyue Chen, Jing Qi. Extended-Reach Well in Shale Formation: What is the Maximum Measured Depth while Coiled Tubing Drilling. SPE Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition held in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 24-27 April 2017. EI检索.

[14] Xin Li, Deli Gao, Leichuan Tan, Hui Zhang, Xuyue Chen, Yingcao Zhou. Study on the Drilling Fluid Flow Rate Allowable Range in Offshore Drilling Considering the Extended-Reach Limit. Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 13-16 November 2017. EI检索.

[15] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo, Minimum gas velocity required for hole cleaning in horizontal gas drilling, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, June 12-17, 2014 in Changwon, Korea.

[16] Xuyue Chen, Deli Gao, Boyun Guo, A method for selecting the correct reamer and bit combination to drill specific formations in reaming while drilling, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, July 20-24, 2015 in Reno, Nevada, USA.

[17] 陈绪跃,樊洪海,纪荣艺等. 四参数流变模式及其在固井水泥浆中的应用. 石油钻探手艺.201341(5)71-86.

[18] 陈绪跃,樊洪海,高德利等. 机械比能理论及其在钻井工程中的应用.钻采工艺.2015,38(1)6-10.

[19] 高德利, 陈绪跃, 郭柏云, 韦红术. 水平井清静高效泥浆钻井射流磨钻头[P].中国专利: ZL201310654747.4, 2016-01-13.

[20] 高德利, 陈绪跃, 郭柏云, 韦红术. 水平井清静高效气体钻井射流磨钻头[P]. 中国专利: ZL201310654718.8, 2016-01-20.

[21] 高德利, 陈绪跃, 郭柏云, 赵顺强, 罗黎敏, 李斌. 一种双壁钻杆反循环钻井射流泵钻头[P].中国专利: ZL201410605681.4, 2017-01-04.

[22] 高德利, 陈绪跃, 郭柏云, 蒋凯, 张鑫, 朱海峰. 一种双壁钻杆反循环钻井牢靠导向叶轮式旋流射流泵钻头[P].中国专利: ZL201410605630.1, 2017-02-01.

[23] 高德利, 陈绪跃, 郭柏云, 李斌, 刘晓坡, 张向华. 一种双壁钻杆反循环钻井切向注入式旋流射流泵钻头[P].中国专利: ZL201410605684.8, 2017-02-15.

[24] 陈绪跃, 高德利, 郭柏云. 一种水平井牢靠导向叶轮式旋流射流磨钻头[P]. 中国专利: ZL201420649287.6, 2015-04-22.

[25] 陈绪跃, 高德利, 郭柏云. 一种水平井切向注入式旋流射流磨钻头[P]. 中国专利: ZL201420649288.0, 2015-04-22.

[26] 陈绪跃, 高德利. 一种水平井斜交后混式射流磨钻头[P]. 中国专利: ZL201520297639.0, 2015-09-23.

[27] 陈绪跃, 高德利. 一种水平井钻井射流磨碎岩短节[P]. 中国专利: ZL201520297640.3, 2015-09-23.


SPE会员, 国际岩石力学与岩石工程学会会员, 《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》、《Physics of Fluids》等国际学术期刊审稿人。
