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¡¾Ñ§Êõ½²×ù¡¿Redox control and measurement in hydrothermal experiments£¨Ë®ÈÈʵÑéÖÐÑõ»¯»¹Ô­µÄ¿ØÖÆÓëÕÉÁ¿£©


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½²×ùÄÚÈÝ£ºDr. Zhou¡¯s talk focus on how to control and measure Redox in hydrothermal experiments. In addition to pressure (P) and temperature (T), oxygen fugacity is another important extensive parameter in hydrothermal experiments simulating natural geological processes, especially for those related to the stabilities of minerals and metal-chloride complexes in aqueous fluids containing multivalence elements. The oxygen buffer and Shaw membrane techniques have been widely used in these experiments, but they can only be applied for experiments above 500?C, because at lower T¡¯s the permeability of hydrogen through the osmotic membrane of H2 commonly used in these experiments (e.g., Pt or Ag-Pd alloys) is quite low, and therefore, equilibrium control of the redox state of the sample cannot be reached in a reasonable experimental duration (weeks or month). Fortunately, their ability to control the redox state of hydrothermal experiments at lower temperatures became possible, when fused silica was used as the osmotic membrane of H2. Furthermore, the exact redox state of an experimental system can be checked by using the hydrogen fugacity sensor, in the form of either Pt capsule or fused silica capillary capsule, at temperatures above or below 500?C, respectively. Also, it is now possible to determine the redox state of a sample in an optical cell, with either diamond or fused silica window, at elevated P-T conditions by using in situ quantitative Raman spectroscopic analysis method.

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Óʱࣺ102249 ÓÊÏ䣺prp@cup.edu.cn ÁªÏµµç»°£º010-89733952£¬010-89731770
