


The Software instructions of CMG-CUP Joint Numerical Reservoir Simulation Laboratory

  CMG 2021.10 has been officially released. Now teachers and students can download, install and use it. The instructions are as follows. We hope the new version of CMG can bring you a better user experience.

1. During the installation of CMG software, when the progress is as shown below, please select the second option【Network Client】,then click 【Next】;


2. In the interface that appears【Network License Server】, enter the IP address 【】 in the corresponding input box of Server. Note that the IP address does not include "【】". Then wait for the software to be installed normally and then it can be used.



(1) Download CMG2021.10 through Baidu online disk. 

Link: https://pan.m.ttlg1688.com/s/1UmuIuCqzJ1b9NlGxdk3NZQ?pwd=26t8

Extraction code: 26t8;

(2) The genuine software license can only be used through the campus LAN of China University of Petroleum-Beijing.

(3) According to the agreement between CUP and CMG, the CMG software is limited to academic research and cannot be used for commercial purposes. Therefore, the upper limit of the number of grids is temporarily set to 10000.

(4) In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings on intellectual property rights, please keep relevant screenshots when using them to prove that you are using the license authorized by CMG, and not a cracked version of the software.

(5) Before requesting technical support, you must first file a report of the relevant information to CMG-CUP Joint Numerical Reservoir Simulation Laboratory(zhaochuanfeng@cup.edu.cn)through your supervisor in the form of electronic documents. The joint laboratory will send the list of filing personnel to CMG headquarters. Those who ask for technical support from CMG in the name of staff and students of China University of Petroleum-Beijing but are not on the list will be regarded as to be involved in piracy acts and infringement of intellectual property by CMG.

(6) If the papers published in foreign journals involve the use of CMG software, please explain it in your appreciation part and include that software support was from the CMG-CUP Joint Numerical Reservoir Simulation Laboratory.

(7) Please do not contact CMG headquarters directly when you encounter technical problems. The normal procedure is to sort out the problems into a word document, contact the person ( Mr ZHAO, Tel: 15201418100 ) in charge of the joint laboratory through your supervisor, and then the joint laboratory will obtain technical support from CMG company according to the specific situation.
