


The College of International Education Held an Activity Themed with Aids Prevention Education

December 1 is the 34th World AIDS Day. Today, the College of International Education held an activity themed with AIDS Prevention Education at 306,  International Exchange Center. The purpose of this activity is to popularize the knowledge of AIDS prevention and control to the international students of China University of Petroleum (Beijing), advocate the correct understanding of AIDS, and eliminate the discrimination against HIV infected persons and patients.

A total of more than 40 international students from Chad, Turkmenistan, Sudan and other countries participated in this activity, watched the AIDS prevention publicity video, learned about AIDS related knowledge, and communicated on AIDS prevention topics. This activity enhanced international students' understanding of AIDS, enabled them to have a correct understanding of AIDS, eliminated their prejudice against AIDS, aroused international students' understanding and care for HIV infected persons and patients, and improved their awareness of AIDS prevention.
