


Second academic lecture on how to write the best CV’S and awarding of certificat


International students’ academic and innovation platform (ISAIP) in partnership with the college of international education
(CIE) conducted the second academic lecture on how to write CV’s, how to apply for jobs, the requirements for the recruitment process of various companies, and how to apply for visa 
including both working visa, tourism visa, business visa, and S visa
on Thursday, 2018/10/11 from 
international students dormitory conference room 306. Before the kick-off of the lecture, there
was a 
30-minute award of certificates to the winners of the recently concluded mock interview for new international students
(academic year 2018/2019). During the mock interview process, all new 
international students were organized into eleven (11) groups and each group had atleast eight members.


The winners were selected   d on their working experience, expertise in use of engineering and business softwares, education background, dress code, and confidence. While the best groups were selected on group arrangement, level of confidence
displayed by the group members, recorded 
video content and quality, and time management. Three candidates and three
groups were selected as 
the winners. The individual winners in descending order were; Israa Alyessa and Zana Eduardo who 
tied on the second position while Arvindkumar Pathak won the first position. The winning groups in descending order were;
Group 5 and Group 8 which tied on the second position while group 6 won the 
first position. 


Present to give the lecture, CIE was privileged to host the team from Mallhaha company led by their general manager,
Mr. David. In his in-depth presentation, Mr. David covered important areas of how to write the best CV, Visa tips, applying for
jobs, and recruitment requirements for most companies. In addition, Mr. David reminded students to always be keen while
writing their CV’s if they must attract attention of the recruitment team and also to improve the level of their Chinese language
since they find it imperative to communicate in Chinese once they are recruited in companies  d in China. Mr. David concluded his presentation by inviting students to apply for the open job positions in mallhaha.

Finally, students were called to attend the open job fair slated for 2018/10/12 at 2:30 pm in room 306.


News written by MAREMBO MICHEAL (马瑞)
