




Yang Zhao

Personal Profile

Institute of Unconventional Oil and Gas Science and Technology






August 2008 – Feb 2013
Ph.D., Geophysics, Exploration Geophysics

August 2006 - May 2008

MSc, Geophysics, Geophysics

September 2002 - July 2006

B.S, Geophysics

Introduction of Teacher

Dr. Yang Zhao is a full Professor of Geophysics at China University of Petroleum, Beijing, and China talented program scientist , and senior science consultant at HuaWei company. He is a graduate of UC Berkeley, where he received his Ph.D. in geophysics in 2013. He is an associated editor of Geophysics(SEG Journal), guest associate editor of Frontiers in Earth Science, and SEG unconventional geophysics committee. He has authored and co-authored over 60 international technical publications. He had 8 years of experience working in the US petroleum industry and was involved in multiple projects at Saudi Aramco, Shell, Total, and ConocoPhillips. He is the recipient of the SEG best paper award(2012) and Aramco distinguished scientist(2019). Dr. Yang Zhao has extensive research experience in seismic signal processing, seismic stress estimation, and elastic seismic imaging, with deep learning and cloud computing.


[1] CHINA UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM,China Professor of Geophysics July 2019 – Now

[2] HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES,China Senior Science Consultant Oct 2021 – Now

[3] SAUDI ARAMCO Research,USA Senior Geophysicist March 2013 – June 2019

[4] CONOCOPHILLIPS,USA Geophysicist Intern June 2012 - August 2012

[5] SHELL,USA Geophysicist Intern May 2011 - August 2011

[6] TOTAL E&P,USA Geophysicist Intern May 2010 - August 2010



[1] Liu, Lu, Yue Ma, Yang Zhao* and Yi Luo., 2022. "Wave-equation diffraction imaging using pseudo dip-angle gather" Geophysics,, https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2021-0223.1,, IF=3.4

[2] Lele Zhang, Lu Liu, FN, Jiahui Zuo, Da Shuai, Wanli Jia, and Yang Zhao* , 2022. "A novel and efficient engine for P/S wave-mode vector decomposition for VTI elastic reverse time migration" ,Geophysics, https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2021-0609.1, IF=3.4

[3] Jiahui Zuo, FN, Yang Zhao*, Liu Lu, Shuai Da, Houzhu Zhang, Jidong Yang, Lele Zhang., 2022. "3D anisotropic P- and S-mode wavefields separation in 3D elastic reverse-time migration" Survey In Geophysics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-021-09688-8, , IF=8

[4] Ke Chen, Lu Liu, Lele Zhang and Yang Zhao* ,2022. " Vertical transversely isotropic elastic least-squares reverse time migration based on elastic wavefield vector decomposition" ,Geophysics, Accepted, , IF=3.4

[5] Jiahui Zuo, FN, Lele Zhang., Liu Lu, Shuai Da, Houzhu Zhang, Ke Chen, Jidong Yang, Yang Zhao*, 2022. " Elastic wavefield decomposition for reverse time migration in 3D TI media" Geophysical Journal International. In revision.  ,IF=3

[6] Ke Chen, Lu Liu, Linan Xu, Fei Hu,Yuan Yang, Jiahui Zuo, Lele Zhang and Yang Zhao* ,2022. " Vertical transversely isotropic elastic least-squares reverse time migration based on elastic linearized waveform inversion" ,Geophysics, submitted, IF=3.4

[7] Huan Cao, Yang Zhao* , Lanlan Yan, Da Shuai, Gang Chen, Jidong Yang and Hongkui Ge. “A review of 3D In-situ stress field prediction using prestack seismic data with application to the Zhaotong shale gas field, China.”, Survey In Geophysics, In revision, IF=8

[8] Da Shuai, Gang Chen, Yang Zhao*, Hongkui Ge,Huan Cao and Shichang Li., 2022. “Using 3D seismic data to estimate stress based on the curvature attribute integratedmechanical earth model”, Geophysical Journal International. In revision.  ,IF=3

[9] Lele Zhang, Yang Zhao*, Liu Lu, Ke Chen, 2022. " Extracting angle-domain common image gathers in VTI elastic reverse time migration by using ansiotropic-Helmholtz P/S wave-mode decomposition method" , Petroleum Science, Accepted , IF=4

[10] Lele Zhang, Yang Zhao*, Liu Lu, Ke Chen, and Jidong Yang., 2022. "A fast anisotropic decoupled operator of elastic wave propagation in the space domain for P/S wave-mode decomposition and angle calculation, with its application to elastic reverse time migration in TI medium" , Geophysics, Accepted , IF=3.3

[11] Gang Chen, Yang Zhao*, Hongyan Qi, Chenggang Xian,Wei Li, Yuzhang Liu.“Curvature Attributes with 3D Seismic Kalman Filter for Fault Opening Description—An application to a Shale Oil Reservoir in Jimsar Sag, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, Geophysics, Accepted, IF=3.3

[12] Shuai, Da, Alexey Stovas, Yang Zhao?, Xingxing Huang, and Lingyi He. 2022. " Frequency-dependent anisotropy due to non-orthogonal sets of mesoscale fractures in porous media." Geophysical Journal International, Volume 228, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 102–118, , IF=2.934
[13] Jidong Yang*, Jianping Huang, Jie Xu and Yang Zhao, 2022. “Quantitative error analysis for the least-squares imaging”, : IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI:10.1109/TGRS.2022.3194895.

[14] Xiaodong Hu*, Fujian Zhou, and and Yang Zhao, 2022. “A Hydraulic-Fracture Geometry Inversion Model based on Distributed-acoustic-sensing Data”, SPE Journal, In revision.

[15] Zhao, Yang*,FN, Fei Fu, Cheng Cheng, Jihong Chen and Shuodong Huo. 2021. “Local events based fast RTM surface-offset gathers via dip-guided interpolation”, Petroleum Science., doi.org/10.1007/s12182-021-00557-y.  ,IF=4

[16] Shuai, Da, Alexey Stovas, Jianxin Wei, Bangrang Di and Yang Zhao*,. 2021. Effective elastic properties of rocks with transversely isotropic background permeated by a set of vertical fracture cluster. Geophysics, https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2019-0619.1 , IF=3.4

[17] Jidong Yang*, Jianping Huang, Zhenchun Li, Hejun Zhu, George McMechan, Houzhu Zhang; Chaoshun Hu and Yang Zhao, 2021. “Mitigating velocity errors in least-squares imaging using angle-dependent forward and adjoint Gaussian beam operators”, Survey in Geophysics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-021-09676-y,
[18] Zhang, Houzhu*, Hong Liang, Hyoungsu Baek and Yang Zhao. 2021. "Computational aspects of traveltime inversion kernels for acoustic wave equations: Benchmarks, asymptotic analysis and application to finite-frequency traveltime velocity inversion of OBN geometry." Geophysics, doi.org/10.1190/geo2020-0063.1, , IF=3.4

[19] Sengupta, Madhumita*, Zhang, Houzhu, Yang Zhao, Mike Jervis and Dario Grana 2021. "Direct Depth Domain Bayesian AVO Inversion." ,Geophysics, doi.org/10.1190/geo2020-0219.1, , IF=3.4.

[20] Mariano S. Arnaiz-Rodríguez*, Yang Zhao, Ana K. Sánchez-Gamboa, Franck Audemard. “Crustal and upper-mantle structure of the Eastern Caribbean and Northern Venezuela from passive Rayleigh wave tomography,Tectonophysics,Volume 804,2021,228711,ISSN 0040-1951,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228711 ,, IF=3.93

[21] Zhao, Yang*,FN, Zhishuai Zhang, Xiang Li, Jinhong Chen, and Jidong Yang. 2020. “Signal detection and enhancement for seismic crosscorrelation using the wavelet-domain Kalman filter”, Survey in Geophysics, 10.1007/s10712-020-09620-6, , IF=8

[22] Zhao, Yang*,FN, Hongwei Liu, Xueyi Jia, Jidong Yang and Shuodong Huo. 2020. “Source-receiver interferometric redatuming using sparse buried receivers to address complex nears-surface environments: a case study of seismic imaging quality and time-lapse repeatability”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125. , IF=3.848

[23] Zhao, Yang*, Tao Liu, Xueyi Jia, Hongwei Liu, Zhiguang Xue, Houzhu Zhang, Hejun Zhu, and Hong Liang. 2020. "Surface-offset gathers from elastic reverse time migration and velocity analysis." Geophysics, 85 (1): S47–S64.https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2018-0676.1 ,, IF=3.4

[24] Zhao, Yang*, Tao Liu, Genyang Tang, Houzhu Zhang, and Madhumita Sengupta. 2019. "Virtual-source imaging and repeatability for complex near surface." Scientific reports 9 (1):1-18. , IF=3.998

[25] Yang, Jidong*, Hejun Zhu, George McMechan, Houzhu Zhang, and Yang Zhao. 2019. "Elastic least-squares reverse time migration in vertical transverse isotropic media." Geophysics 84 (6):S539-S553.,

[26] Yang, Jidong, Houzhu Zhang, Yang Zhao*, and Hejun Zhu. 2019. "Elastic wavefield separation in anisotropic media based on eigenform analysis and its application in reverse-time migration." Geophysical Journal International 217 (2):1290-1313. , IF=2.934

[27] Zhang, Houzhu, Hongwei Liu, and Yang Zhao*. 2018. "Constraints on the anisotropic parameters for pseudoelastic vertical transverse isotropy wave equations and the applications on imaging carbonate reservoirs." Geophysics 84 (2):C85-C94. doi: 10.1190/geo2017-0778.1. , IF=3.4.

[28] Xue, Zhiguang*, Houzhu Zhang, Yang Zhao, and Sergey Fomel. 2018. "Pattern-guided dip estimation with plane‐wave destruction filters." Geophysical Prospecting. 67: 1798-1810. doi:10.1111/1365-2478.12798

[29] Zhao, Yang*, and Weichang Li. 2018. "Model-based radiation pattern correction for interferometric redatuming in 4D seismic." Geophysics,83 (4):Q25-Q35. doi: 10.1190/geo2017-0731.1. , IF=3.4

[30] Zhao, Yang*, and Weichang Li. 2018. "Wavelet-crosscorrelation-based interferometric redatuming in 4D seismic." Geophysics,83 (4):Q37-Q47. , IF=3.4

[31] Zhao, Yang*, Houzhu Zhang, Hongwei Liu, Dongliang Zhang, and Madhumita Sengupta. 2018. "Target-oriented diversity stacking for virtual-source imaging and monitoring." The Leading Edge 37 (10):764-773. doi: 10.1190/tle37100764.1. IF=0.8

[32] Zhao, Yang*, Houzhu Zhang, Jidong Yang, and Tong Fei. 2018. "Reducing artifacts of elastic reverse time migration by the deprimary technique." Geophysics,83 (6):S569-S577. doi: 10.1190/geo2018-0260.1. , IF=3.4

[33] Yang, Jidong*, Hejun Zhu, Wenlong Wang, Yang Zhao, and Houzhu Zhang. 2018. "Isotropic elastic reverse time migration using the phase- and amplitude-corrected vector P- and S-wavefields." Geophysics 83 (6):S489-S503. doi: 10.1190/geo2018-0023.1. , IF=3.4

[34] Grechka, Vladimir*, and Yang Zhao. 2013. "Microseismic interferometry." The Leading Edge 31 (12):1478-1483. doi: 10.1190/tle31121478.1. (SEG TLE best paper award)


[1] Zhao, Yang, and Roy Burnstad*. "A new virtual source redatuming procedure to improve land 4D repeatability." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, 5399-5403.

[2] Zhao, Yang, Heidi Anderson Kuzma, Matthew T. Reagan, and James W. Rector. "Monitoring methane hydrate production in the arctic; a preliminary feasibility study." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, 4201-4206.

[3] Zhao, Yang, Weichang Li, and Houzhu Zhang. "Wavelet crosscorrelation and its application to virtual source denoising." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 2580-2585.

[4] Zhao, Yang, and James W. Rector. "Using seismic surface waves generated by motor vehicles to find voids: field results." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2010, 2029-2033.

[5] Zhao, Yang, Zhiguang Xue, Houzhu Zhang, and Konstantin Osypov. "Velocity analysis using elastic RTM image gathers." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019, 4430-4434.

[6] Zhao, Yang, and Houzhu Zhang. "Cost reduction of RTM surface offset gathers by local coherent events based interpolation." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 4589-4593.

[7] Zhao, Yang, Houzhu Zhang, Tong W. Fei, Jidong Yang, and Hejun Zhu. "Reducing artifacts of elastic reverse time migration with de-primary." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018, 4362-4366.

[8] Zhao, Yang, Houzhu Zhang, Xueyi Jia, Fei Tong, Hongwei Liu, and Song Han. "Surface-offset gathers from elastic reverse time migration." In SEG 2018 Workshop: SEG Seismic Imaging Workshop, Beijing, China, 12-14 November 2018, 104-108.

[9] Zhao, Yang, Houzhu Zhang, and Hongwei Liu. "Target-oriented diversity stacking for virtual-source imaging and monitoring." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018, 2863-2867.

[10] Grechka, Vladimir, and Yang Zhao. "Microseismic interferometry." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2013, 2034-2039.

[11] Jia, Xueyi, Yang Zhao, and Roel Snieder. "Data interpolation for 3D Marchenko Green’s function retrieval." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019, 4725-4729.

[12] Kuzma, Heidi A., J. L. Fernández‐Martínez, Yang Zhao, Clark Dunson, Ming‐Yue Zhai, Maria‐Daphne Mangriotis, and James W. Rector. "Vehicle Traffic as a Source for Near‐Surface Passive Seismic Imaging." In Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2009, 609-615.

[13] Kuzma, Heidi Anderson, Yang Zhao, Matthew T. Reagan, and James W. Rector. "Polynomial chaos for uncertainty quantification in geophysics." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, 2742-2746.

[14] Li, Weichang, and Yang Zhao. "Adaptively weighted Interferometric extrapolation of ocean-bottom node data." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 4297-4301.

[15] Li, Weichang, and Yang Zhao. "An Imaging Perspective of Low-Rank Seismic Data Interpolation and Denoising." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, 4106-4110.

[16] Liu, Hongwei, Adam Fox, Krzysztof Sliz, Houzhu Zhang, and Yang Zhao. "A stable constraint for pseudoelastic anisotropic reverse time migration." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018, 4347-4351.

[17] Moridis, George J., Matthew T. Reagan, Heidi Anderson-Kuzma, Yang Zhao, Katie Boyle, and James W. Rector. "Evaluation of the Hydrate Deposit at the PBU L-106 Site, North Slope, Alaska, for a Long-Term Test of Gas Production." 2011.

[18] Xue, Zhiguang, Hyoungsu Baek, Houzhu Zhang, Yang Zhao, Tieyuan Zhu, and Sergey Fomel. "Solving fractional Laplacian viscoelastic wave equations using domain decomposition." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018, 3943-3947.

[19] Yang, Jidong, Hejun Zhu, Yang Zhao, and James Zhang. "Elastic reverse-time migration using phase- and amplitude-corrected vector P- and S-wavefields." In SEG 2018 Workshop: SEG Seismic Imaging Workshop, Beijing, China, 12-14 November 2018, 32-36.

[20] Zhang, Houzhu, Hong Liang, Yang Zhao, and Hyoungsu Baek. "Computational aspects of traveltime inversion kernels for acoustic wave equations." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019, 1310-1314.

[21] Zhang, Houzhu, Yang Zhao, Hyoungsu Baek, and Hongwei Liu. "Misfit sensitivity and traveltime inversion kernels in elastic VTI media." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018, 1339-1343.

[22] Zhu, Lijun, Entao Liu, James McClellan, Yang Zhao, Weichang Li, Zefeng Li, and Zhigang Peng. "Estimation of passive microseismic event location using random sampling-based curve fitting." In SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2017, 2791-2796.


[1] US Patent: High spatial resolution nuclear magnetic resonance logging, US Patent #: US 10,488,352 B2, Grant Date: 2019-11-26

[2] US Patent: Virtual source redatuming using radiation pattern correction, US Patent #:US 10,845,494 B2, Grant Date: 2020-11-24

[3] US Patent: Use of wavelet cross-correlation for virtual source denoising, US Patent #:US 11,092,709 B2, Grant Date: 2021-08-17

[4] US Patent: AVO imaging condition in elastic reverse time migration, US Patent #:US 11,086,036 B2, Grant Date: 2021-08-10

[5] Chinese Patent:一种时移地动虚拟震源双向波场重构要领和系统 , Chinese Patent #:ZL202010222440.7 ,Grant Date: 2021-06-01

[6] Chinese Patent:一种三维弹性波场矢量剖析法、装置及盘算机存储介 ,Chinese Patent #:ZL202010142486.8, Grant Date: 2021-05-11,

[7] Chinese Patent:四维地动中辐射模式校正的干预基准面重修要领及系统 ,Chinese Patent #:ZL202011544092.1 ,Grant Date: 2021-07-30

[8] Chinese Patent:一种降低逆时偏移地表炮检距道集盘算量的要领 ,Chinese Patent #:ZL202010736704.0 ,Grant Date: 2021-10-15

[9] Chinese Patent:一种消除弹性逆时偏移串音滋扰的要领、装置及盘算机存储介质 ,Chinese Patent #:ZL202010587517.0 ,Grant Date: 2021-11-09

[10] Seismic surveys using two-way virtual source redatuming, US Patent #: US, 16/295,247 , Date: 2022-4-1
