




Meijun Li

Personal Profile

College of Geosciences





Research Areas

Organic geochemistry, oil and gas geochemistry, molecular organic geochemistry

Research Projects

[1] Accumulation law and exploration direction of crude oil in Baiyun Sag, commissioned by CNOOC Eastern Oil Company, 2016/08-2017/12

[2] Geochemical significance of complex oxygen-containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in petroleum and sedimentary organic matter (41272158), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013/01-2016/12, first completer;

[3] Research on the Effect of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Transport and Its Use as a Tracer of Oil Transport (41072101), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2011/01-2013/12, First Completer;

[4] Dibenzofuran-A new marker of the reservoir charging pathway (40972089), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2010/01-2012/12, first completer;

[5] Complex Oil Source Identification and Oil and Gas Migration Path Tracing (PRPXD2008-01), State Key Laboratory Project, 2008/09-2011/03, first completer;

[6] Study on Condensate Reservoir Charging Direction Tracer Marker-Alkyl Dibenzothiophene (07E1001), PetroChina Youth Innovation Fund Project, 2007/10-2010/03, the first completer;

[7] Comprehensive evaluation of experimental analysis of source rocks in key basins of the Central and West African Rift Valley, commissioned by PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2013/07-2014/07;

[8] Geochemical study of Halahatang and peripheral accumulation in Tarim Basin, commissioned by Tarim Oilfield Branch of PetroChina, 2013/08-2015/08, second completer

[9] Hydrocarbon accumulation geochemical research in the outer area of Tahe, commissioned by Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Company, second completer;

[10] Fukuyama sag reservoir geochemistry and oil and gas transport strata research, commissioned by PetroChina Southern Petroleum Company, second completer;


[1] Xiao Hong, Li Meijun*, Liu Jiguo, Mao Fengjun, Cheng Dingsheng, Yang Zhe, Oil-oil and oil-source rock correlations in the Muglad Basin, Sudan and South Sudan: New insights from molecular markers analyses, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 103, 351-365.

[2] Yang Sibo, Li Meijun*, Liu Xiaoqiang, Han Qiuya, Wu Jia, Zhong Ningning, Thermodynamic stability of methyldibenzothiophenes in sedimentary rock extracts: Based on molecular simulation and geochemical data, Organic Geochemistry, 2019, 129, 24-41.

[3] Yang Zhe, Li Meijun*, Cheng Dingsheng, Xiao Hong, Lai Hongfei, Chen Qingyao, Geochemistry and possible origins of biodegraded oils in the Cretaceous reservoir of the Muglad Basin and their application in hydrocarbon exploration, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 173, 889-898.

[4] Xiao Hong, Wang T.-G., Li Meijun*, Lai Hongfei, Liu Jiguo, Mao Fengjun, Tang Youjun,Geochemical characteristics of Cretaceous Yogou Formation source rocks and oil-source correlation within a sequence stratigraphic framework in the Termit Basin, Niger,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 172,360-372.

[5] Wang Ning, Li Meijun*, Hong Haitao, Song Daofu, Tian Xingwang, Liu Peng, Fang Ronghui, Chen Guo, Wang Maolin, Biological sources of sedimentary organic matter in Neoproterozoic–Lower Cambrian shales in the Sichuan Basin (SW China): Evidence from biomarkers and microfossils, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019, 516, 342-353.

[6] Lai Hongfei, Li Meijun*, Liu Jiguo, Mao Fengjun, Xiao Hong, He Wenxiang, Yang Lu. Organic geochemical characteristics and depositional models of Upper Cretaceous marine source rocks in the Termit Basin, Niger. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2018, 495: 292-308.

[7] Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Xiao Zhongyao, Fang Ronghui, Ni Zhiyong, Deng Weilong, Tang Youjun, Zhang Chunming, Yang Lu. Practical application of reservoir geochemistry in petroleum exploration: a case study from a Paleozoic carbonate reservoir in the Tarim Basin (NW China). Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(2): 1230–1241.

[8] Li Meijun*, Liu Xiaoqiang, Wang Tieguan, Jiang Weidong, Fang Ronghui, Yang Lu, Tang Youjun. Fractionation of dibenzofurans during subsurface petroleum migration: Based on molecular dynamics simulation and reservoir geochemistry. Organic Geochemistry, 2018, 115: 220-232.

[9] Yang Chengyu, Ni Zhiyong, Li Meijun*, Wang Tieguan, Chen Zhonghong, Hong Haitao, Tian Xingwang. Pyrobitumen in South China: Organic petrology, chemical composition and geological significance. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2018, 188: 51-63.

[10] Xiao Hong, Wang Tieguan, Li Meijun*, Fu Jjian, Tang Youjun, Shi Shengbao, Yang Zhe, Lu Xiaolin. Occurrence and Distribution of Unusual Tri- and Tetracyclic Terpanes and Their Geochemical Significance in Some Paleogene Oils from China. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(7): 7393-7403.
