


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Oil and Gas Well Drilling Engineering)


Yunhu Lu

Personal Profile

College of Petroleum Engineering


Associate Professor

Oil and gas well engineering


Research Projects

[1] Research on the creep mechanism of hydraulic fracture closure in deep shale, National Natural Science Foundation of China (PI), 2019-2021

[2] Basic Theoretical Research on Efficient Development of Shale Oil and Gas, Major Project of national natural science foundation of China (research backbone), 2015-2019
[3] Research on the instability mechanism and control theory of the surrounding rock of the curved wellbore of high temperature and high stress salt paste layer, National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China (PI), 2013-2015

[4] Research on the mechanism of modification of nanomaterials on the stability of wellbeds on the surface of shale clay minerals, special funded by The China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (PI), 2013-2014

[5] Study on the instability mechanism and steering process optimization of wellbore in ultra-deep fractured gas reservoirs, National Major Special Project of Oil and Gas (responsible), 2016-2019

[6] Research on wellbed stability and drilling acceleration technology of Wushi 17-2 Oilfield, CNOOC Science and Technology Project (responsible), 2019-2021

[7] A New Method for Inhibition quantitative evaluation of drilling fluid stabilization of well wall, PetroChina Science and Technology Project (in charge), 2018-2020

[8] Systematic study on the mechanical mechanism and creep law of the salt paste layer of Crassus structure, PetroChina Science and Technology Project (responsible), 2018-2021

[9] Research and development of carbonate formation leakage prediction model and downhole complex drilling diagnostic system, PetroChina Science and Technology Project (in charge), 2018-2019


[1]Role of brine composition on rock surface energy and its implications for subcritical crack growth in calcite[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020,303: 112638.

[2]Wetting Behavior of Shale Rocks and Its Relationship to Oil Composition[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(12): 12270-12277.

[3]Characterization of Shale Softening by Large Volume-Based
Nanoindentation[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019: 1-17.

[4]Analytical modelling of wettability alteration-induced micro-fractures during hydraulic fracturing in tight oil reservoirs[J]. Fuel, 2019, 249: 434-440.

[5]Effect of Shale Anisotropy on Hydration and Its Implications for Water Uptake[J]. Energies, 2019, 12(22): 4225.

[6]Predicting seismic-based risk of lost circulation using machine learning[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 176: 679-688.
