


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (Oil and Gas Well Drilling Engineering)


Haizhu Wang

Personal Profile

College of Petroleum Engineering


Associate Professor

Oil and gas well engineering


Research Projects

[1] National Natural Science Youth Foundation of China, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research on Perforations of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Abrasive Jets, Principal Investigator

[2] Key project of CNPC, Research on New Technology of Supercritical CO2 Drilling and Completion, Principal Investigator

[3] China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Special Fund, Supercritical CO2 Jet Efficient Rock Breaking Mechanism and Experimental Research, Principal Investigator


[1] Development and Prospect of Supercritical carbon dioxide drilling, Petroleum science & Technology,2012. (SCI收录)

[2] Wellbore Flow Model of Coiled Tubing Drilling With Supercritical Carbon dioxide, Energy sources: Part A, 2012. (SCI收录)

[3] A Feasibility Analysis on Shale Gas Exploitation With Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Energy sources: Part A, 2012.(SCI收录)

[4] Experimental study on the efficiency of cuttings carrying with supercritical CO2, SPE 156321,2012. (EI收录)

[5] Supercritical CO2 drilling wellbore pressure temperature coupling calculation. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011. (EI collection).

[6] Effects of formation water intrusion on temperature and pressure of supercritical CO2 drilling wellbore. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2011. (EI collection).
