


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering(Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering)


Junpeng Liu

Personal Profile

College of Safety and Ocean Engineering


Associate Professor

Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering


Research Areas

Marine engineering technology and equipment, mainly including the following research content:

[1] Structural behavior of deepwater flexible pipes

[2] Dynamics of composite structures

[3] Detection and monitoring technology and equipment of underwater structures

[4] Deepwater oil and gas field engineering development model

Research Projects

[1] National Key R&D Program Project - Research on Integrated Technology for Monitoring of Deep-sea Structures, 2018.7-2021.6, in research, chaired/project leader

[2] National Key R&D Program sub-project - riser monitoring technology research and application, 2018.7-2020.12, in research, chaired

[3] National Key R&D Program sub-project - Research on vertical layout scheme of deep-water functional cabin space, 2017.1-2020.12, in research, chaired

[4] National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project- Research on Axial Structure Damping Characteristics of Flexible Risers in Deepwater Engineering Environment, 2019.1-2021.12, in research, Master

[5] Hold

[6] Introduction of Talent Research Startup Fund - Research on the Failure Mechanism of Flexible Riser Internal Skeleton Layer, 2017.10-2020.12, in research, chaired

[7] National Key R&D Program Sub-project - Reliability Analysis of Umbilical Cables in the Whole Life Cycle and Overall Scheme Design of Key System Accessories, 2017.6-2020.6, in [8] Research, deputy leader of the sub-project

[9] Petrobras Major Project - Analysis of Instability of Flexible Riser Armor, 2013.1-2016.12, Conclusion, Project Backbone


[1] Liu J, Vaz M A. Viscoelastic axisymmetric structural analysis of flexible pipes in frequency domain considering temperature effect, Marine Structures, 2016, 50:111-126. (SCI, IF:2.491, Q1,TOP期刊)

[2] Liu J, Vaz M A, Custodio A.B. Recovery Length of High Strength Tapes in Damaged Flexible Pipes, Ocean Engineering, 2016, 122: 1-9. (SCI, IF:2.214, Q1,TOP期刊)

[3] Liu J, Vaz M A. Constraint ability of superposed woven fabrics wound on capstan, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2016, 104: 303-312. (SCI, IF:2.796, Q1)

[4] Liu J, Vaz M A. Axisymmetric viscoelastic response of flexible pipes in time domain. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 55: 181-189. (SCI, IF:1.95, Q2)

[5] Liu J, Vaz M A. Three-Dimensional Determination of Superposed Helical Wires Constraint Ability, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018,e15.(SCI, IF:0.905, Q2)
