


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering(Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering)


Yiqun Zhang

Personal Profile

College of Safety and Ocean Engineering


Associate Professor

Offshore Oil and Gas Engineering


Research Areas

Enhanced oil recovery

Research Projects

[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on the Mechanism and Regulation Method of Radial Cavitation Jet Of Natural Gas Hydrate Well Bottom, 2022-2025, Principal Investigator.

[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Fund Project, Cavitation Jet Crushing Natural Gas Hydrate Ore Body Mechanism, 2019-2021, Principal Investigator.

[3] National Key R&D Program of Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Energy Technology Special Project, Sandstone Thermal Reservoir Mining and Irrigation Efficiency Enhancement Technology and Equipment, 2019-2022, Principal Investigator.

[4] National Key R&D Program Deep Geothermal Resources Exploration and Mining Special Project, Xiong'an New Area Deep Geothermal Resources Exploration and Evaluation Technology Demonstration, 2018-2021, Thematic Leader.

[5] National Key R&D Program Of Transformative Technology Key Scientific Issues Special Project, Heavy Oil Chemistry Composite Cold Recovery Basic Research and Industrial Demonstration, 2019-2024, Principal Investigator.

[6] National Key R&D Program of Intergovernmental International Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Key Project, Key Technologies and Optimization Design Platform for Drilling and Completion of Geothermal Intelligent Wells (Conclusion), 2017-2019, Principal Investigator.

[7] China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Introduction of Talent Research Startup Fund, Basic Research on Drilling and Completion of Geothermal Intelligent Wells (Conclusion), 2016-2019, Principal Investigator.


[1] Yiqun Zhang*, Xiaoya Wu, Xiao Hu, Bo Zhang, et al. Visualization and investigation of the erosion process for natural gas hydrate using water jet through experiments and simulation, Energy Reports, 2022, 8. (SCI)

[2] Yiqun Zhang*, Wei Wang, Panpan Zhang, Gensheng Li, et al. A Solution to Sand Production from Natural Gas Hydrate Deposits with Radial Wells: Combined Gravel Packing and Sand Screen, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10(1), 71. (SCI)

[3] Yiqun Zhang*, Kexian Zhao, Xiaoya Wu, Shouceng Tian, et al. An Innovative Experimental Apparatus for the Analysis of Natural Gas Hydrate Erosion Process Using Cavitating Jet, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020, 91(9). (SCI)

[4] Yiqun Zhang*, Chao Yu, Gensheng Li, Xiaofeng Guo, et al. Performance Analysis of a Downhole Coaxial Heat Exchanger Geothermal System with Various Working Fluids, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 163(12). (SCI)

[5] Yiqun Zhang* and Shiyi Zheng, Down-hole transient temperature, pressure and flow-rate data processing and integrated interpretation for nonlinearity diagnosis using wavelet transform. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017, 37: 361-374. (SCI)

[6] Yiqun Zhang*, Shiyi Zheng and Qi Wang, Improved Analysis of Transient Temperature Data from Permanent Down-hole Gauges (PDGs). Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017,
