


Management Science and Engineering


Yuanyuan Zhang

Personal Profile

School of Economics and Management


Associate Professor (Social Sciences)

Management Science and Engineering


Research Areas

Supply Chain Finance

Energy Finance

Financial Technology

Research Projects

[1] National Science Foundation of China Youth Fund, 71601184, Research on Supplier Prepayment Financing Strategies when Multiple Retailers Face Capital Constraints, 2017 / 01-2019 / 12.

[2] Beijing Youth University Talents Program, YETP0697, Dynamic and Static Analysis of the Influential Factors of Vehicle Exhaust Emissions in Beijing, 2013 / 01-2015 / 12.

[3] Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Z131110001513138, 2013 Annual Oil and Gas Sector Work Support, 2013 / 07-2014 / 06.

[4] Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Z121110000412077, 2012 Annual Oil and Gas Sector Work Support, 2013 / 01-2013 / 06.


[1] Zheng H.W.*, Zhang Y.Y., Energy consumption from conventional gasoline sedans in Beijing based on the LEAP model, International Conference on Urban Planning and Management (ITMS,2015), Beijing, P.R. China, 2015.03.14-03.15.

[2] Zhang Y.Y., A multiple-trip vehicle routing problem with time window, Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2012, 10

[3] Zhang Y.Y., Yan H. *. Financial and operations decision making of risk-averse financial institution and risk-neutral retailer, 4th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management/15th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific-Decision -Sciences-Institute, 2010, 1225-1228.

[4] Zhang Y.Y., Cooperative stock document mortgage financing game under inhouse consignment structure, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2008, 1694-1698.

[5] Zhang Y.Y., Inventory financing game between retailer and banker under outsourcing structure of inhouse consignment, International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, 2008, 1155-1162 .

[6] Zhang Y.Y., Loan to value to newsvendor based on buyer's credit under inhouse consignment structure, IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 2008, 409-414.

[7] Zhang Y.Y. *, Wang S.Y., Feng G.Z., Loan to value to newsvendor based on stock document mortgage, wireless communications, networking and mobile computing, WiCom 2007. International Conference on 21-25 Sept, 2007, 3939-3942.
