








姓名: 王  敬

职称: 二级教授/博导

职务: 科学手艺随处长


2004-2008 公海彩船(华东) 本科

2008-2013 公海彩船(北京) 博士研究生

2013-2014 The University of Texas at Austin 博士后

2014-     公海彩船(北京)西席

小我私家主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jing_Wang162

电子邮箱: wangjing8510@163.com    

联系电话: 010-89731163  

所在系所: 油气田开发工程系

研究偏向: 重大油气藏油气渗流理论及提高采收率手艺

教学情形: 《渗流力学》、《试油试采》、《现代油气田开发理论与手艺》等


1. 第一/通讯作者文章:

[1] Mechanisms and capacity of high-pressure soaking after hydraulic fracturing in tight/shale oil reservoirs, Petroleum Science, 2021. (SCI/EI)

[2] Impacts of inorganic salts ions on the polar components desorption efficiency from tight sandstone: A molecular dynamics simulation and QCM-D study, Petroleum Science, 2021.(SCI/EI)

[3] Impacts of polar molecules of crude oil on spontaneous imbibition in calcite nanoslit: A molecular dynamics simulation study, Energy & Fuels, 2021.(SCI/EI)

[4] Investigations on the influencing mechanisms of SiO2 nanoparticles on foam stability, Energy & Fuels, 2021.(SCI/EI)

[5] A novel method of constructing spatial well pattern for water flooding in fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs(FVCR), SPE年会, 2021.(EI)

[6] 外貌活性剂辅助剩余油剥离机制的分子模拟研究, 石油学报, 2021. (EI)

[7] 缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏注水井间滋扰特征及其影响因素, 石油勘探与开发, 2020. (SCI/EI)

[8] Investigations on spontaneous imbibition and the infuencing factors in tight oil reservoirs, Fuel, 2019. (SCI/EI)

[9] 裂痕-孔洞型储集层注氮气辅助重力泄油实验, 石油勘探与开发, 2019. (SCI/EI)

[10]Experimental investigation on water flooding and continued EOR techniques in buried-hill metamorphic fractured reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018.(SCI/EI)

[11]溶蚀孔洞储层差别井网下水驱开发特征及影响因素实验, 石油勘探与开发, 2018.(SCI/EI)

[12]Investigation of restarting pressure gradient for preformed particle gel passing through pore-throat, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018.(SCI/EI)

[13]An integrative model to simulate gas transport and production coupled with gas adsorption, non-Darcy flow, surface diffusion, and stress dependence in organic-shale reservoirs, SPE Journal, 2017.(SCI/EI)

[14]裂痕性油藏渗吸采油机理模拟研究, 石油勘探与开发, 2017.(SCI/EI)

[15]Simulation of deformable preformed particle gel propagation in porous media, AIChE Journal, 2017.(SCI/EI)

[16]Effect of viscosity on oil production by cocurrent and countercurrent imbibition from cores with two ends open, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2017.(SCI/EI)

[17]Effect of fluid viscosity on correlation of oil recovery by linear counter-current spontaneous imbibition, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017.(SCI/EI)

[18]A study of gas transport and production characteristics with non-Darcy flow in tight gas reservoirs, International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology, 2017.(SCI/EI)

[19]Investigation on formation and distribution of remaining oil and sensitivity analysis in fracture-vuggy media, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2016.(SCI/EI)

[20]Necessity of porosity correction before simulation and re-understanding of the effects of gas adsorption on production in shale gas reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016.(SCI/EI)

[21]页岩气吸附解吸效应对基质孔隙物性参数影响特征, 石油勘探与开发.(SCI/EI)

[22]Mechanism and sensitivity analysis of horizontal well completion with inflow control devices (ICD) in heterogeneous reservoirs with bottom water, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016.(SCI/EI)

[23]Determination of flow units in carbonate reservoir with multiscale karst morphology, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2016.(SCI/EI)

[24]Apparent permeability for gas transport in nanopores of organic shale reservoirs including multiple effects, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2015.(SCI/EI)

[25]A novel model of foam flooding considering multi-factors for enhancing oil recovery , Oil & Gas Sci. and Tech., 2015.(SCI/EI)

[26]缝洞型油藏溶洞-裂痕组合体内水驱油模子及实验, 石油勘探与开发, 2014.(SCI/EI)

[27]A novel model and sensitivity analysis for viscoelastic polymer flooding in offshore oilfield, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2014.(SCI/EI)

[28]Mechanistic simulation studies on viscous-elastic polymer flooding in petroleum reservoir, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2013.(SCI/EI)

[29]Single-phase inflow performance relationship for horizontal, pinnate-branch horizontal and radial-branch wells, SPE Journal, 2013.(SCI/EI)

[30]Numerical simulation of preformed particle gel flooding for enhancing oil recovery, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2013.(SCI/EI)

[31]Flow characteristics of heavy oil through porous media, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2012.(SCI/EI)

[32]Experimental investigation on filtering flow law of pre-gelled particle in porous media, Transport in Porous Media, 2012.(SCI/EI)

[33]Experimental research and quantitative characterization of nitrogen foam blocking characteristics, Energy & Fuels, 2012.(SCI/EI)

[34]缝洞型油藏剩余油形成机制及漫衍纪律实验研究, 石油勘探与开发, 2012.(SCI/EI)

[35]The investigation of threshold pressure gradient of foam flooding in porous media, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2011.(SCI/EI)

[36]A new technology for the exploration of shale gas reservoirs, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2011.(SCI/EI)

[37]Quantification of transportation of deformable gel particles in porous media, SPE 187266, SPE年会, 2017.(EI)

[38]How to correct the petro-physical properties for simulating shale gas production using current commercial simulators? SPE 181321, SPE年会, 2016.(EI)

[39]Variations of gas flow regimes and petro-physical properties during gas production considering volume consumed by adsorbed gas and stress dependence effect in shale gas reservoirs, SPE 174996, SPE年会, 2015.(EI)

[40]Simulation of time-varying properties of organic-shale nanopores during gas production, SPE 176972, SPE亚太非通例聚会, 2015.(EI)

[41]思量多因素影响的泡沫驱数值模拟要领研究, 石油学报, 2014.(EI)

[42]多孔介质中预交联凝胶颗粒渗流纪律模拟研究, 公海彩船学报(自然科学版), 2013.(EI)

[43]思量启动压力和应力敏感效应的低渗特低渗油藏数值模拟研究, 岩石力学与工程学报, 2013.(EI)

[44]Quantitative models of development laws for heterogeneous sandstone reservoirs by water flooding, Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2012.(EI)

[45]Investigation on flow rule and productivity in poorly consolidated reservoirs, Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, 2012.(EI)

[46]聚合物驱数学模子的若干问题, 石油学报, 2011.(EI)

[47]黏弹性聚合物驱驱替动态与注入参数剖析, 盘算物理, 2011.(EI)

[48]非均质底水油藏水平井水淹纪律研究, 石油学报, 2010.(EI)

2. 部分其他作者文章:

[1] Three-dimensional physical simulation of water huff-n-puff in a tight oil reservoir with stimulated reservoir volume, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021. (SCI/EI)

[2] Confined behavior of hydrocarbon fluids in heterogeneous nanopores by the potential theory, SPE年会, 2020. (EI)

[3] Scaling of countercurrent imbibition in 2D matrix blocks with different boundary conditions, SPE Journal, 2019. (SCI/EI)

[4] Study on the coupled effect of effective stress and methane gas adsorption on the porosity and permeability of shale gas reservoirs. SPE 190875, 2018. (EI)

[5] Effect of ionic strength on the transport and retention of polyacrylamide microspheres in reservoir water shutoff treatment ,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ,2017.(SCI/EI)

[6] Effect of wetting phase viscosity on co-current spontaneous imbibition, Energy & Fuels, 2016.(SCI/EI)

[7] Effect of gravity on spontaneous imbibition from cores with two ends open in the frontal flow period, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2016.(SCI/EI)

[8] Asymmetry characteristics of oil production by spontaneous imbibition from cores with two ends open, Transport in Porous Media, 2016.(SCI/EI)

[9] Experimental and numerical study on cyclic water injection in stress-sensitive reservoirs: A case study, SPE 180808, 2016.(EI)

[10]Three-dimensional physical simulation experiment study on carbon dioxide and dissolver assisted horizontal well steam stimulation in super heavy oil reservoirs, J. Petrol Explor Prod Technol, 2016.(EI)

[11]Enhance oil recovery for steam flooding: Low-temperature oxidative decomposition of heavy oil with air injection, Energy & Fuels, 2015.(SCI/EI)

[12]Entrapment of the non-wetting phase during co-current spontaneous imbibition, Energy & Fuels, 2015.(SCI/EI)

[13]A novel high-temperature gel to control the steam channeling in heavy oil reservoir, SPE190049, 2014.(EI)

[14]Watering crest along a horizontal well in a heterogeneous reservoir with bottom water, Petroleum Science and Technology, 2011.(SCI/EI)


[1] 深层页岩吸附气含量简直定要领、装置和效劳器, 2022.

[2] 确定油藏水驱开发效果的数据处置惩罚要领、装置及系统, 2021.

[3] 非均质油藏渗透率漫衍反演要领及装置, 2021.

[4] 优势渗流通道确定要领、装置和盘算机装备, 2020.

[5] 致密油外貌活性剂驱替吞吐实验在线计量装置及要领, 2019.

[6] 一种页岩气藏气体有用孔隙度反演要领, 2019.

[7] 缝洞型碳酸盐岩油藏立体注采模子及模拟系统, 2018.

[8] 一种缝洞型油藏注水开发效果评价要领, 2017.

[9] 一种缝洞型油藏流动单位的划分及评价要领, 2017.

[10]稠油热采水平井段沿程变质量流动模拟实验装置, 2017.

[11]一种用于注水开发的缝洞型油藏剖析要领及其应用, 2016.

[12]缝洞型油藏自力溶洞单位物理模拟实验装置, 2012.


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 致密油体积压裂后高压焖井强化排驱机制与数值仿真 ,项目认真人.

[2] 国家自然科学基金企业协同立异生长基金:多标准多相态传质机制及数学表征 ,子专题认真人.

[3] 国家自然科学基金青年基金: 聚合物强化泡沫复合系统作用机理及驱油动力学模子研究 ,项目认真人.

[4] 中石油科技立异基金:陆相致密油藏改性水驱降压增注机理及可行性研究, 项目认真人.

[5] 国家科技重大专项树模工程:无效循环识别及定量表征手艺研究, 课题认真人.

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 多孔介质中预交联凝胶颗粒渗滤纪律及动力学模子研究, 第二认真人.

[7] 公海彩船(北京)青年拔尖人才资助项目:潜山裂痕型油藏水驱油机理及提高采收率手艺研究, 项目认真人.

[8] 公海彩船(北京)优异青年学者资助项目:微标准孔隙界面润湿性演化纪律及对渗吸效应影响, 项目认真人.


[1] 国家级青年人才 ,2021.

[2] 孙越崎青年科技奖 ,2021.

[3] 教育部霍英东青年西席奖 ,2020.

[4] 中国石油和化学工业团结会青年科技突出孝顺奖 ,2019.

[5] 天下矿业石油清静领域工程领域优异青年科技人才奖 ,2018.

[6] 公海彩船(北京)优异青年学者 ,2018.

[7] 公海彩船(北京)青年拔尖人才 ,2014.

[8] 中国石油和化学工业团结会科技前进一等奖(R1) ,2018.

[9] 中国石油和化学工业团结会科技前进一等奖(R10) ,2013.

[10]教育部自然科学二等奖(R2) ,2021.

[11]中国石油和化学工业团结会科学手艺二等奖(R1) ,2020.

[12]教育部科技前进二等奖(R3) ,2018.

[13]公海彩船(北京)第十二届优异教学效果二等奖 ,2021.

[14]公海彩船(北京)第十二届优异教学效果二等奖 ,2021.

[15]公海彩船(北京)青年教学主干西席 ,2018.

[16]公海彩船(北京)第十届优异教学效果二等奖 ,2017.

[17]公海彩船(北京)第十届优异教学效果二等奖 ,2017.

[18]公海彩船(北京)石油工程学院最佳青年西席奖 ,2017.

[19]公海彩船(北京)优异博士学位论文 ,2015.



[2]Petroleum Science、石油学报、自然气工业、力学学报等期刊青年编委.

[3]SPE Journal、JPSE、Fuel、Energy、TIPM、Energy & Fuels等著名期刊审稿人.


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