



The BRICS Youth Energy Summit and International Energy Youth Conference were held in the conference hall of the CNOOC Building in Changping District on September 18th , 2022.

The invited guests of this conference are from the National Energy Administration, the Ministry of Education, China Scholarship Council, Changping District People's Government of Beijing Municipality, as well as CNPC, Sinopec, CNOOC, relevant UNESCO agencies, China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in China, the Embassy of South Africa in China, the Energy Ministry of Russian Federation, MME, DMRE, and CUP. In addition, more than 26,000 energy youth from different countries participated in the Summit online and offline. CUP¡¯s President Wu Xiaolin and Vice President Jin Yan attended the Summit, and Vice President Zhang Guangqing chaired the meeting.

Since its establishment in 2006, the BRICS cooperation mechanism has gone through a glorious course of 16 years. China is the BRICS Chair in 2022. At the 14th BRICS Summit, the leaders of the five countries agreed that BRICS countries should strengthen unity and carry forward the spirit of BRICS; strengthen cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, energy security and other fields to jointly promote world economic recovery; work together to address the challenges of climate change, accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and make a BRICS contribution to creating a new era of global development. The Beijing Declaration passed and issued at the 14th BRICS Summit expressed appreciation for hosting the BRICS Youth Energy Summit. The main purpose of this summit is to promote exchanges between energy youth in BRICS and other countries, and to pay attention to the voice and future development of energy youth. With the strong support of the National Energy Administration, CUP, Changping District People's Government of Beijing Municipality and the Worldwide Energy Universities Network hosted the BRICS Youth Energy Summit and International Energy Youth Conference. As one of the sub-forums of the 2022 Global Energy Transformation Forum, the summit takes "Youth Unity and Innovation, Embracing the Green Future of Energy " as the theme, including the opening ceremony, the presentation of the BRICS Energy Report 2022, the awarding of the Energy and Climate Change Competition, the Dialogue of Future Energy Green Leaders, and the BRICS Youth Speech.

Wu Xiaolin, President of CUP, and Guo Qingyao, Deputy Mayor of Changping District, Beijing, delivered their welcome speeches.

Wu Xiaolin congratulated the conference and expressed her welcome and gratitude to the participants and the organizations that supported the conference. She said that in the context of the "double carbon" target and global energy change, CUP has taken the initiative to adapt to the new requirements of intelligent development of low carbon green energy on the change of knowledge production mode, pay more attention to interdisciplinary, cross-border integration and open integration, and widely disseminate the "double carbon" concept, comprehensively cultivate "double carbon" talents, and make every effort to develop the "double carbon" technology. In terms of global energy cooperation, the school has used the advantages of the resource platform of the Worldwide Energy Universities Network, the National Energy Administration 's " Belt and Road " Energy Partnership and Cooperation Network University ( Youth ) Working Group Leader Unit to accelerate the gathering of high-level talents for energy development, and build global energy advanced technology exchange channels. She hopes that the conference will become a bridge to enhance the friendship of youth in the energy field around the world and a stage for wisdom collision, which can further accumulate the strength of youth and cooperate for sustainable energy future.

On behalf of the Changping District Government, Guo Qingyao welcomed the guests and young people, introduced the development plan and construction achievements of the Future Science City of Changping, and said that Changping District is striving to build the Energy Valley of the future science city into a technological innovation highland in the energy field with international influence and an advanced energy industry highland in Beijing, making it a vivid practice of achieving the national ' double carbon ' goal. He praised the BRICS countries and their energy youth to actively speak out for the green transformation of energy and the protection of the beautiful earth, affirmed the profound cooperation and friendship between CUP and the district government, and welcomed more young talents to invest in Changping.

The Deputy Director of the National Energy Administration Ren Jingdong sent a message to the youth of the BRICS countries. He pointed out that the BRICS countries are the world's major energy consumers and producers, and occupy an important position in the global energy field. The BRICS countries work together to promote green and low-carbon development. Our firm determination and practical initiatives in promoting clean energy transformation will lead the global process of addressing climate change and achieving carbon neutrality goals. China unswervingly promotes the green and low-carbon transformation of energy, builds the bottom line of energy security, strengthens energy science and technology innovation, deepens energy international cooperation, and effectively promotes the realization of "carbon peak" to "carbon neutrality". With practical actions and outstanding achievements, China has demonstrated the wisdom and responsibility of a great power in addressing climate change. He encourages contemporary youth to become advocates of green development concepts, practitioners of green lifestyles, and promoters of green and low-carbon development, contributing youth wisdom to a greener, lower-carbon, and better future, and striving for the construction of a community with a shared future.

Fang Jun, Deputy Director of the International Department, Ministry of Education, said that education is an important area of the BRICS cooperation mechanism and provides an inexhaustible impetus for the in-depth development of our cooperation. He reviewed the achievements of BRICS education cooperation since the establishment of the BRICS Education Ministers¡¯meeting mechanism, including the establishment of educational cooperation platforms such as the BRICS Universities Network and the BRICS Online University. Fang Jun also introduced the Ninth BRICS Education Ministers¡¯ Meeting held in Beijing this year, affirmed the importance of the summit, the energy and climate change competition and other related activities to the BRICS energy and education exchanges. He also expressed appreciation for the contribution of CUP in building an international exchange platform and promoting youth exchanges among countries.

Li Qing, Deputy Secretary-General of China Scholarship Council, said in her speech that young talents shoulder an important historical mission in safeguarding national energy security, promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of global energy, and implementing the United Nations 2030 sustainable development agenda. China Scholarship Council has been actively committed to promoting international educational exchanges and cooperation. It has built a platform for the growth of young talents in China and other countries in the world through various State-funded study abroad programs, and has trained a large number of outstanding talents in all walks of life, including the energy industry. She welcomes and hopes that the young talents in the energy field of the BRICS countries, the " Belt and Road " countries and countries around the world will actively participate in the relevant projects of the National Scholarship Council. Through dialogue, learning and communication, they will expand their horizons, enhance their skills, and better realize their life values on the road of promoting low-carbon energy transformation.

Ali Obaid Al Dhaheri, UAE Ambassador to China, Clarissa Forecchi Gloria, Special Adviser on International Relations, MME, Olga Yudina, Adviser to the Director of the Energy Ministry of Russian Federation, Ronika Ramanand, Project Manager, International Cooperation Agency of DMRE, and other national officials sent messages to young people online and offline. They agree that youth exchange activities have become a unique part of BRICS and even global energy cooperation, and believe that youth will play a more proactive role in energy cooperation.

Zhan Tao, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education, addressed the summit in Moscow. He pointed out that education and energy play a unique role in the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy. The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education is a research institution dedicated to promoting global educational informatization and assisting member states to achieve the education 2030 goal. Among them, information technology to promote green education and sustainable development is a new area of involvement, and the BRICS countries are important partners and clients. Zhan Tao affirmed the contribution made by CUP in promoting green energy and sustainable development, and looked forward to working with the youth of the BRICS countries.

Wang Sunyu, Executive Deputy Director and Secretary-General of the UNESCO International Center for Engineering Education, said that BRICS youth in the energy sector have become an indispensable new force in tackling climate change and promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of global energy. It is hoped that more young people, especially girls, will join the ranks of engineering education and engineers. In addition, he expressed support for the declaration of the UNESCO Chair and the willingness to cooperate with CUP.

Jiang Hao, Director of the International Business Department of China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, reported the main content of the BRICS Energy Report 2022. He pointed out that under the entrustment of the National Energy Administration, China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute led the BRICS energy authorities to jointly complete the preparation of the report, which will be officially released at the 7th BRICS Energy Ministers' Meeting. The report analyzes the latest progress in the energy sector of the BRICS countries and the policy proposals for sustainable energy development. The report also proposes that BRICS countries should further carry out joint energy research cooperation and strengthen experience sharing and technical exchanges.

After the opening ceremony, the guests presented awards to the winners of the Energy and Climate Change Competition. The event is one of the main activities under the framework of the summit. It has attracted the attention of 68 universities and energy companies around the world. As a result of the competition, 86 prizes were awarded in the academic, practical and sound tracks, 22 organization were awarded the ¡°Best Organization¡± and one organization was awarded the ¡°Silk Road Pearl Special Award for Best Organization¡±.

In the session "Future Energy Green Leaders Dialogue", foreign students and guests from CNPC, CNOOC and Sinopec discussed topics such as the transformation and upgrading of traditional energy sources and employment in Chinese companies, demonstrating the ideas of energy youth and the open and integrated development concept of Chinese energy companies.

At the summit, youth teams from Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa and China delivered the "BRICS Youth Lecture". They spoke out about climate action, expressed the concern of today's youth for human community with a shared future and the green transition, and demonstrated the unique innovative spirit and responsibility of youth.

Wei Xiaowei, Deputy Director of the International Department of the National Energy Administration, expressed gratitude for the strong support and active participation of relevant units in the summary, and affirmed the responsibility of CUP as one of the leading universities in the field of energy disciplines in China. She pointed out that the summit has promoted the integration and development of energy cooperation and higher education, strengthened the academic cooperation and joint practice of young people in BRICS countries, and opened up the cooperation path of energy youth in BRICS countries and other countries.

In conjunction with the BRICS Youth Energy Summit and International Energy Youth Conference, over 60 young people from China and abroad gathered at the Wenyu River Park in Beijing on 18 September to participate in a special outdoor event called "Embrace the Future". The teams, dressed in the five colors of BRICS, worked together with the goal of protecting the environment and reducing carbon emissions, and overcame obstacles to find solutions for a green future, demonstrating the spirit of solidarity, cooperation and innovation. Prior to the event, young people from different countries shared a cake with the theme of "BRICS Youth solidarity and innovation".



