










2019-至今, 公海彩船(北京),非通例院/人工智能学院,西席

2016-2017, 美国德州农工大学, 石油工程系,团结作育博士生

2014-2019, 公海彩船(北京),油气井工程,硕博连读博士阶段

2013-2014, 公海彩船(北京),油气井工程,硕博连读硕士阶段

2009-2013, 公海彩船(华东),石油工程, 学士




[1]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Zehao Lyu, Yu Shi. Shape Factor of the Flake-like Particle in Thermal Spallation and its Effects on Settling and Transport Behavior in Drilling Annulus. Powder Technology. 2018, 335: 211-221.

[2]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Zehao Lyu, Yu Shi, Rui Zheng. An Analytical Model to Evaluate the Heating Conditions for Drilling in Hard Rock using an Innovative Hydrothermal Spallation Method. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018,142: 709-716.

[3]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Yu Liu, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Zehao Lyu. Aspect Ratio of Spalls of Granite in Flame-jet Spallation and Its Effect on the Modeling Prediction of Spallation Properties. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018,171: 1390-1399.

[4]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Yu Liu, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Zehao Lyu. Lowest Required Surface Temperature in Thermal Spallation for Granite and Sandstone: Experiment and Simulation. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52:1689-1703.

[5]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Yu Liu, Zhen Cheng, Jiayan Ji, Zhonghou Shen. Experiment investigation of granite damage under the high-temperature and high-pressure supercritical water condition. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2019, 180: 289-297.

[6]. Xiaodong Hu, Kan Wu, Xianzhi Song, Wei Yu, Lihua Zuo, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen. Development of A New Mathematical Model to Quantitatively Evaluate Equilibrium Height of Proppant Bed in Hydraulic Fractures For Slickwater Treatment. SPE Journal. 2018. 23(06):2158-2174.

[7]. Xiaodong Hu, Kan Wu, Xianzhi Song, Wei Yu, Jizhou Tang, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen. A New Model for Simulating Particle Transport in a Low-viscosity Fluid for Fluid-driven Fracturing. AIChE Journal, 2018 64: 3542-3552.

[8]. Xiaodong Hu, Kan Wu, Gensheng Li, Jizhou Tang, Zhonghou Shen. Effect of Proppant Addition Schedule on the Proppant Distribution in a Straight Fracture for Slickwater Treatment. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 167: 110-119.

[9]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Kan Wu, Yu Shi, Gensheng Li. Effect of proppant treatment on heat extraction performance in enhanced geothermal system. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 109094.

[10]. Xiaodong Hu, Xianzhi Song, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Liu Cui, Zehao Lv, Yu Shi, Chi Peng. Numerical Analysis of Bottomhole Velocity and Pressure Distributions of High Pressure High Temperature Hydrothermal Jet. Presentation at the IADC/SPE Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition held in Singapore, 22–24 August 2016.

[11].胡晓东,周福建,李宇娇,丘阳,李卓龙. 压裂停泵水击压力波信号滤波要领与特征剖析. 石油科学转达, 2021,6(01):79-91.

[12].胡晓东,宋先知,李根生,沈忠实,彭炽,朱斌. 超临界水射流焦汤系数盘算与节约历程降温效果剖析. 石油钻采工艺, 2017,39(02):79-91.

[13]. Shaobo Han,Xiaodong Hu*, Fujian Zhou,Yang Qiu,Minghui Li, Guopeng Huang. Influence of temperature on the interaction of metal veins and hydraulic fractures in shale formations: Experiment and simulation. Journal of petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 200: 108327.

[14]. Jizhou Tang, Kan Wu, Bo Zeng, Haoyong Huang, Xiaodong Hu, Xuyang Guo, Lihua Zuo. Investigate effects of weak bedding interfaces on fracture geometry in unconventional reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 165, 992-1009.

[15]. Jizhou Tang, Kan Wu, Yanchao Li, Xiaodong Hu, Qingling Liu, Christine Ehlig-Economides. Numerical investigation of the interactions between hydraulic fracture and bedding planes with non-orthogonal approach angle.

[16]. Xianzhi Song, Zehao Lyu, Gensheng Li, Xiaodong Hu, Yu Liu, Yu Shi. Numerical analysis of the impact flow field of multi-orifice nozzle hydrothermal jet combined with cooling water. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017, 114, 578-589.

[17]. Xianzhi Song, Yu Shi, Gensheng Li, Zhonghou Shen, Xiaodong Hu, Zehao Lyu, Rui Zheng, Gaosheng Wang. Numerical analysis of the heat production performance of a closed loop geothermal system. Renewable Energy, 2018, 120, 365-378.

[18]. Haitao Wen, Ruiyue Yang, Zhongwei Huang, Yong Zheng, Xiaoguang Wu, Xiaodong Hu. Numerical simulation of proppant transport in liquid nitrogen fracturing.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020, 84, 103657.


[1]. 胡晓东、周福建、李卓龙、丘阳、杨凯、李宇娇. 水击压力波信号模拟系统.授权. (202010254277.2)

[2].胡晓东、涂志勇、周福建、丘阳、李宇娇、李卓龙. 一种基于压降曲线剖析的裂痕参数反演及评价要领.授权. (202011381492.5)

[3]. 胡晓东、宋先知、李根生、姬佳炎、黄中伟、田守嶒、史怀忠、王海柱、盛茂、张逸群、杨睿月. 一种超临界水岩石损伤破碎实验系统及要领. 授权. (201911191894.6)

[4]. 胡晓东、宋先知、李根生、黄中伟、田守嶒、史怀忠、王海柱、盛茂. 一种热力射流井下反应器. 授权. (201820004845.1)

[5]. 周福建、胡晓东、丘阳、杨凯、杨晨. 基于水击压力波信号举行压裂诊断的系统和压裂诊断要领. 授权. (202010254265.X)

[6]. 胡晓东周福建李宇娇丘阳李卓龙左洁. 一种水击压力波信号的滤波要领、装置和装备. 实质审查(202110274517.X).

[7]. 胡晓东、涂志勇、周福建、李宇娇、刘健. 一种储层产能展望要领、装置及装备. 实质审查(202011525619.6) .

[8]. 梁天博、周福建、胡晓东、李明辉、李秀辉、袁立山、左洁、刘雄飞、姚二冬、李奔. 一种基于极限限流设计的压裂要领及系统. 授权(201910661839.2).

[9]. 宋先知、李根生、胡晓东、黄中伟、田守嶒、史怀忠、王海柱、盛茂. 一种使用热力射流开采自然气水合物的要领及系统. 授权(201510522831.X).

[10].胡晓东、涂志勇、周福建. 小型压裂测试压降曲线剖析软件. 授权. (2020SR0959460).


[1]. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于水击压力波信号的多裂痕识别要领研究,2021-2023,认真人.

[2]. 中石油战略相助项目,物探、测井、钻完井人工智能理论与要害场景,2020-2024,手艺主干.

[3]. 公海彩船(北京)科研基金,思量射孔孔眼冲蚀的裂痕扩展与支持剂运移机理研究,2019-2022,认真人.

[4]. 中石油西南油气田,长宁区块页岩气水平井大段多簇压裂工艺优化设计研究,2019-2021,手艺认真人.

[5]. 中石油新疆油田,清水携砂压裂固液两相流动实验, 2020-2021,手艺认真人

[6]. 中石油新疆油田,砂岩气藏水平井多段多裂痕压裂裂痕扩展机理研究, 2019-2020,手艺认真人.

[7]. 中石油塔里木油田,中秋、克深21等重点评价区块刷新工艺手艺优化研究, 2019-2021,加入.

[8]. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,高温射流攻击-热裂解耦合破岩机理与实验研究,2016-2018,加入.

[9]. 国家自然科学基金石油石化团结基金重点项目,深层高温高压油气井清静高效钻完井基础研究,2016-2019,加入.

[10]. 国家重点研发妄想政府间国际科技立异相助重点专项,地热智能井钻完井要害手艺与优化设计平台,2017-2018,加入.


[1]. 公海彩船(北京)校青年拔尖人才,2019-2022.

[2]. 天下石油工程设计大赛优异指导西席,2021.

[3]. 公海彩船(北京)非通例院公共事务先进小我私家,2020.

[4]. 美国岩石力学协会 Future Leader”,2021.


[1].Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》期刊副主编.

[2].Advances in Civil Engineering》期刊学术编辑.

[3].Petroleum Science》期刊青年编委.

[4]. SPE会员、ARMA会员、JPSE/AIChE J/SPE EE等期刊审稿人.

地点:北京市昌平区府学路18号 邮编:102249

