




博士 | 教授




[1] Yizhou Cui, Chengxiang Li, Wanli Zhang, Xiaoqi Ning, Xiaogang Shi, Jinsen Gao; Xingying Lan, A deep learning-based image processing method for bubble detection, segmentation, and shape reconstruction in high gas holdup sub-millimeter bubbly flows. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 449, 137859.

[2] Yunpeng Zhao, Chengxiu Wang, Xiaogang Shi, Jinsen Gao; Xingying Lan, Gas-solid flow characteristics in turbulent fluidized bed with variable gas velocity. Powder Technology 2022, 402, 117358.

[3] Mengxuan Zhang, Daofan Cao, Xingying Lan, Xiaogang Shi; Jinsen Gao, An Ensemble-Learning Approach To Predict the Coke Yield of Commercial FCC Unit. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2022.

[4] Chengxiang Li, Yizhou Cui, Xiaogang Shi, Jinsen Gao; Xingying Lan, Numerical simulation on the terminal rise velocity and mass transfer rate of single sub-millimeter bubbles. Chemical Engineering Science 2021, 246, 116963.

[5] Wanli Zhang, Yao Yao, Shaoqu Xie, Kristian Gubsch, Yanhui Yang, Xingying Lan; Hongfei Lin, Synergistic interaction between Cu and ZrO2 promotes ethyl formate hydrogenation to produce methanol. Catalysis Today 2021, 374, 53-60.

[6] Min Wang, Xingying Lan, Chengxiu Wang, Jinsen Gao, Aibing Yu; Shibo Kuang, Numerical Simulation of the Pilot-Scale High-Density Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2021, 60 (7), 3184-3197.

[7] Qing Li, Mengxuan Zhang, Xiaogang Shi, Xingying Lan, Xuqiang Guo; Yunlong Guan, An intelligent hybrid feature subset selection and production pattern recognition method for modeling ethylene plant. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 2021, 160, 105352.

[8] Shaoqu Xie, Wanli Zhang, Xingying Lan; Hongfei Lin, CO2 Reduction to Methanol in the Liquid Phase: A Review. ChemSusChem 2020, 13 (23), 6141-6159.

[9] Yingya Wu, Xiaogang Shi, Yancong Liu, Chengxiu Wang, Jinsen Gao; Xingying Lan, 3D CPFD simulation of gas-solids flow in the high-density downer with FCC particles. Powder Technology 2020, 373, 384-396.

[10] Wu Su, Xiaogang Shi, Yingya Wu, Jinsen Gao; Xingying Lan, Simulation on the effect of particle on flow hydrodynamics in a slurry bed. Powder Technology 2020, 361, 1006-1020.

[11] Guojing Zhao, Xiaogang Shi, Yingya Wu, Min Wang, Mengxuan Zhang, Jinsen Gao; Xingying Lan, 3D CFD simulation of gas-solids hydrodynamics and bubbles behaviors in empty and packed bubbling fluidized beds. Powder Technology 2019, 351, 1-15.

[12] Yingya Wu, Li Peng, Liqing Qin, Min Wang, Jinsen Gao; Xingying Lan, Validation and application of CPFD models in simulating hydrodynamics and reactions in riser reactor with Geldart A particles. Powder Technology 2018, 323, 269-283.


[1] Integrated method and integrated device for heavy oil contact lightening and coke gasification, US 11230678B2, 2022

[2] Coupling reaction apparatus for heavy oil pyrolysis-gasification, US 11230671B2, 2022.

[3] Integrated method and apparatus for catalytic cracking of heavy oil and production of syngas, US 11230674B2, 2022

[4] 重油裂解耦合焦炭催化气化的一体化要领及装置,中国专利,  CN112538376A

[5] 一种重油接触裂解与焦炭气化一体化的要领及装置,中国专利,  CN112538380A

[6] 一种重油轻质化/合成气联产的加工要领和装置,中国专利, CN112538375A

[7] 一种基于距离约束算法的气固鼓泡床内三维气泡识别要领, 中国专利, CN109948694A

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[9] 一种催化裂化反应动力学参数的估算要领及系统, 中国专利, CN201710305406.4

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[2] 《化工历程清静》,石油工业出书社出书,2010


[1] 中国石油和化学工业团结会青年科技突出孝顺奖, 2017

[2] 国家优异青年科学基金资助, 2016

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[5] 教育部自然科学奖一等奖(排名第四), 2011

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[8] 中国石油和化学工业协会科技前进奖一等奖(排名第七), 2005


[1] 第一届中国化工学会历程模拟及仿真专业委员会副秘书长

[2] 中国化工学会化工历程强化专业委员会第一届青年委员会委员

[3] 中国颗粒学会青年理事会青年理事

[4] 中国化工学会女科技事情者第一届委员会委员

[5] Petroleum Science》副主编

[6] 石油科学转达》副主编
